SpaceInvader Insights
View or download videos, case studies, blog posts, press releases and more.

ASKO Norway – Distribution
Saving space with double stacking in distribution

ASKO Norway – Economics
Efficient and cost savning transport system

ASKO Norway – Environment
Improving the environment with increased capacity

ASKO Norway – Ergonomics
Improved working height and better ergonomics

Kiwi Hamar – Retail
Improved working height and ergonomics in retail

PostNord Logistics – Pilot test
How PostNord Logistics organized a test project with SpaceInvader

PostNord Logistics – Inter-terminal operations
PostNord Logistics saves DKK 4-6 mio. annually with SpaceInvader in their inter-terminal logistics

PostNord Logistics – Value gains
What values does PostNord gain with SpaceInvader?

Blue Water Shipping – New transport solution
BWS offers a new transportation solution to the market with savings on economy and CO2

How to use SpaceInvader
Video directions for use

SpaceInvader climate report
In its first climate report, SpaceInvader documents a combined indirect CO2 reduction of 6,645 tons
through its clients’ use of the SpaceInvader pallet racks.

SpaceInvader pilot test
Our pilot test solution makes it easy to try SpaceInvader and to see how the system works and creates value in your supply chain.

Photos of usage
View photos of how the rack is used in various use situations throughout supply chains.

SpaceInvader product folder
Too many trucks drive around only half-full and sometimes even empty. That is expensive – and not sustainable.

ASKO Norway
We tested SpaceInvader on a route in Central Norway. We saved an entire truck a week, cutting costs by 20%.

PostNord Logistics
Completing the rollout of SpaceInvader in our line haul operation will give us a cost efficiency of DKK 6-8m and environmental savings in the same range.

Kiwi Hamar
Most pallets are packed to a height of 180 cm. That is problematic, especially when packing unstable and loose items.

Solar optimises their freight capacity with SpaceInvader. Instead of sending leftover pallet goods with an extra truck, they double stack their excess goods and thereby reduce both the number of kilometers driven, the costs and their CO2 emissions.

Optimising capacity as climate action
SpaceInvader allows you to pack deliveries higher and thereby transport more goods on less space, increasing the fill of your truck.

The SpaceInvader distribution solution
There are many gains to be made in your distribution operation when you doublestack your pallet freight. Gains that beneft both you and your customers

Capacity optimisation in terminal operations
There’s a great societal focus on the challenges faced by the transport sector and its clients today.

Double stock versus racks
Every day, we meet with logistics professionals and discuss how they handle and optimise the growing amount of pallet freight they’re asked to transport…
Press releases

SpaceInvader receives Børsens gazelle award in both 2022 and 2023
Dec 12, 2022
Greentech company SpaceInvader has for the first time received a ‘Gazelle Award’, which is an annual business growth prize awarded by the leading Danish business daily Børsen

SpaceInvader's first climate report: "We are 'climate negative'...
Sep 20, 2022
The Danish greentech startup, SpaceInvader, just published its first climate report. The report is based on a climate model, Green Space Impact (GSI), developed in close cooperation with Kobra Advice, a Danish management consultancy.

SpaceInvader hires international profile as Commercial Director
Jun 01, 2022
The Danish green start-up, SpaceInvader, has hired international logistics professional Britta Toftum as their Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), effective June 1, 2022.

Northern logistics leader goes greener with SpaceInvader
May 07, 2021
One of the largest Nordic logistics groups – Posten Norge AS and Bring in Norway – has just adopted the SpaceInvader solution.

PostNord enters corporate agreement with SpaceInvader
May 14, 2020
In early May, PostNord and SpaceInvader signed a corporate agreement after the successful conclusion of a Pilot Test.

Light ahead: Road transport can save space, money and CO2
March 29, 2020
Monday, 16 March, the government’s 13 climate partnerships delivered recommendations on how Denmark should achieve its 70% CO2 reduction target by 2030.

Climate partnership reduces up to 50% CO2 emissions
Mar 10, 2022
In spring 2020, a climate partnership between Blue Water and SpaceInvader began, and the journey towards more sustainable road transport started.

Blue Water Shipping aim to make freight transport greener
Mar 09, 2020
Transport Minister Benny Engelbrecht was presented with the joint climate initiative by BWS and SpaceInvader.

SpaceInvader launches 80 cm rack and now handles all cargo ...
Feb 04, 2020
Companies working with logistics and supply chains are familiar with the issue of empty air in truck cargo spaces.

PostNord becomes more efficient and greener with ...
Nov 25, 2019
Currently, PostNord is conducting a Pilot Test from SpaceInvader, with the SpaceInvader system at three freight terminals.

SpaceInvader: pilot test determines actual value potential
Nov 13, 2019
There is both space, money, and CO2 to be saved if the transport and logistics industry (T&L) optimizes pallet goods in the logistics flow.

SpaceInvader in growth – hires two experienced KAM's
Aug 19, 2019
Danish SpaceInvader, which won the Danish Supply Chain’s Entrepreneur Award 2019 in June, gears up for growth and hires two experienced profiles as Key Account Managers.

Decarbonise logistics now:
Rely on proven tools, not tomorrow's promises
The environmental challenges of today are clear and present. From wildfires spreading in numerous countries to devastating hurricanes, floods, and the rise of sea surface temperatures

Greentech company SpaceInvader receives Børsens gazelle award 2022 and 2023
Greentech company SpaceInvader has for the first time received a ‘Gazelle Award’, which is an annual business growth prize awarded by the leading Danish business daily Børsen. SpaceInvader’s solution helps the

SpaceInvader Climate Report
SpaceInvader documents a reduction of 6,645 tons CO2 from clients’ use of pallet racks in 2021. The earth’s climate is challenged like never before, and we need to find solutions that are proven to work and implement…

Read Børsen Logistik’s article on SpaceInvader’s CO2 results
Børsen Logistik has written an article about SpaceInvader, where we talk about the results from our climate work, the publication of our first climate report (2021), and the CO2 reductions our customers have achieved. The report…

Double stock versus racks – what’s what?
Generate significant economic and environmental value through capacity optimisation Every day, we meet with logistics professionals and discuss how they handle and optimise the growing amount of pallet freight they’re asked…

The SpaceInvader distribution solution
There are many gains to be made in your distribution operation when you double-stack your pallet freight. Gains that benefit both you and your customers. More goods on every truck make you more competitive, benefits your botto

Logistical and strategic heavyweight joins SpaceInvader
Britta Toftum joined SpaceInvader on June 1st, 2022 as Chief Commercial Officer. She arrives at SpaceInvader at a time when both the company and the logistics industry is busier than ever before, as more and more carriers are realizing

Inter-terminal transportation can be optimised with great gains to be had
There are plenty of challenges to take on when it comes to the optimisation of logistics. To name a few, there’s the climate crisis, the global supply chain crisis, increased flow of goods, record-setting fuel prices, labour shortage

Double stock versus racks – what’s what?
Generate significant economic and environmental value through capacity optimisation Every day, we meet with logistics professionals and discuss how they handle and optimise the growing amount of pallet freight they’re asked…